About Soulshaping Institute

Hi, I’m Jeff Brown. The author of the book Soulshapingand the founder of Soulshaping Institute.SSI is an on-line learning center dedicated to supporting others in their efforts to clarify, actualize and embody their truest path and purpose. At the heart of the Soulshaping philosophy is the belief that every individual comes into this life with a sacred purpose encoded within the bones of their being. We are not random concentrations of stardust, nor are we accidental tourists. We are so much more than that. We are divinely inspired, inherently purposeful and intrinsically essential to this wondrous human tapestry. We are emblazoned with possibility and teeming with potential. This potential is not meant to remain in hiding, or as a theoretical construct. It is meant to be grounded in our daily lives, infusing every aspect of who we are, and how we live.

Satisfying our purpose, however humble it may be, is dependent on our ability to recognize the ‘soul-scriptures’ that live at the heart of our unique transformational journey. Those scriptures come in many forms: the lessons we are here to learn, the callings we are here to express, the gifts we are here to open, the archetypes we are here to embody. To the extent that we can honor our scriptures, we grow forward, and our soul consciousness expands. To the extent that we bypass them, we often live frustrated lives, and perhaps come back the next time with the same lessons waiting in the wings.

A Center for Authentic Transformation

In this intricate human existence, there is so much that gets in the way. On a cultural level, we are distracted and over-stimulated at every turn, leaving little space for the necessary inner work. On an emotional level, many of us are too burdened by unreleased and unresolved feelings to gain clarity as to path. On a collective level, internalized shame makes it very difficult to brave the journey of self-creation. How to quest for your sacred purpose if you don’t believe you are worthy of a magnificent life? And even those of us are ready to embark on this journey are lacking many of the tools needed to find our way home. This is a path that doesn’t just happen, but requires conscious exploration and active application.

In a survivalist world, few of us had an authentic way of being modelled to us. Few of us were taught to look within for direction as to path. And most of us have been taught to pursue whatever puts food on the table above all else: vocation over callings, practicality over authenticity, survive over thrive. Our sacred purpose is buried below the weight of misidentification and pragmatism: a buried treasure of epic proportions awaiting our detection.

But something is shifting in our consciousness, as many of us have grown weary of unimaginative and limiting ideas of who we are. We recognize the importance of meeting our survival needs- we cannot ascend without our feet on the ground- but we don’t want our identity and our ways of being to be limited to practicalities alone. We want to survive and we want to live a life that is emblazoned with purpose. We want more than occasional a-ha moments- we want a life that moves seamlessly from one a-ha to another, from one wave of meaning to another; a life that is infused with the light of expansion. We want to swap our adaptations and disguises for our authentic face. Not defining ourselves from our masks inward, but defining ourselves from the soul-outward. In the heart of this burgeoning consciousness revolution, we are ready to delve into the fundamental questions of path-Who am I, really? What is my encoded purpose? Why am I here? How can I stop avoiding my true-path? Where can I find it? What would it be like to actually live what I long for? 

With these questions in heart, I have opened Soulshaping Institute. An in-creditedCenter for Authentic Transformation, this is not a place to come to get a meaning-less degree, or to get graded for your efforts by an invisible marker. A degree doesn’t mean a thing if it doesn’t resonate with your soul-scriptures, with who you really are, with the holy book of purpose that is encoded in the library of you. And no one can grade your relationship to path, because only the soul knows the path it is here to walk. You are the only one who can determine whether you are walking your unique true-path. All we can do is remind you, and support your efforts to clarify your true-path and anything that stands in its way.


With this intention, Soulshaping Institute will focus in 5 inter-connected directions:

1. Healing courses that support your efforts to clear and dissolve any obstructions to path and purpose. These include unresolved emotions, issues and relationships, destructive and distractive patterns, misidentifications and crippling beliefs;

2. Courses that both invite and deepen your intention to identify your true path and purpose;

3. Courses that support the embodiment and actualization of any path or purpose that calls you;

4. Courses that support the development and perpetuation of a grounded, inclusive spirituality;

5. The co-creation of a conscious community that supports one another in our efforts to live an authentic, purposeful life. A transformational soulpod that walks beside you on the path.

We will begin with a series of courses that I will teach. We will then branch out and integrate other like-spirited teachers in the coming years.

Most Courses will include:

  • Audio Recordings or Live Talks
  • Individual Zoom/Phone Sessions with Jeff
  • A printable workbook with optional exercises, assignments, and related readings
  • Teacher accessibility
  • Ongoing support

Economic Approach

I am committing a certain number of spaces in each class to those who are economically challenged- on a sliding scale basis. It is an odd and ironic thing that until we find our sacred purpose, it is often difficult to flourish economically. At the same time, it is also difficult to explore and identify our path when we cannot afford to study and traverse pathways of possibility. It is often those with a profound path living inside of them who are having the most difficulty dealing with the economic world, because they cannot adapt to the inauthentic nature of the marketplace. I am endeavoring to create a structure that will be inclusive of all of humanity. With that in mind, we are also open to receiving donations for other students from those who feel inspired to give. Any donations of money or course tuition will be given directly to those in need.

Call to Soulshapers!
Please join us as we usher in a new paradigm of on-line education. In many ways, it is a little safer to be a seeker than a finder. Soulshaping Institute is an invitation for seekers to become finders. It is our hope that we will work deeply together, exploring the crevices, plumbing the depths, calling ourselves on our resistance, inviting each other to find the paths that we are here to walk. May we all find an authenticity of purpose that ignites our spirit and buffers us from the madness of the world. May we all find what we are looking for. It is our belief that we are all bhaktis- devotees- at heart, here to offer our gifts to humanity, here to share our blessings with each other, here to expand together in karmic stature. Every moment is yet another opportunity to give birth to a way of being that is more truly aligned with who we really are. Every moment.

 You are beautifully enough. Your stories of ‘not good enough’ are fictional novels written by a culture still hiding its light under a mountain of shame. The REAL story, your TRUE autobiography, is one of inherent magnificence, courage and divinity flowing through your soul-veins. So you decide which book to read— the fictional novel written by those who do not SEE you, or the HOLY BOOK written by your glorious spirit. Reach inside and open the gift that is you…”



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