Finding and Living Your Sacred Purpose


Mar/05/2025 - Apr/09/2025    
All Day



Finding and Living Your Sacred Purpose

A 6-week interactive on-line course that supports your efforts to identify the paths you are here to walk, the lessons you are here to learn, and the callings you are here to embrace.

with Soulshaping author
and Institute Founder Jeff Brown

Begins WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 2025

We are at a remarkable crossroads in our human development. We are poised on the brink of a shift from survivalism to authenticity as a way of being. In the old model, we were conditioned to define who we are by reference to our practical duties and roles. Whatever mask or disguise kept us alive was our personal identity. As we move into a new paradigm, we are invited into a deeper and more authentic inquiry:What is my real path, the path uniquely my own? What is my true purpose – the purpose encoded deep within me? Who am I – really? Why am I here?The quest for our true-path should be as natural as breathing. Yet our authentic face is often buried below the weight of distraction and disguise. We are only beginning to realize that we are meant for something more: a truer path, a deeper path, a sacred path infused with the light of purpose. We are not random concentrations of stardust. We are not here merely to survive and endure. Beneath our misidentifications lies a treasure chest of divine possibility. A cornucopia of callings, gifts and lessons that we are here to unearth and embody. This buried treasure is awaiting its liberation. We are Sacred Purpose.

At the core of our being, we are emblazoned with possibility and teeming with potential. This potential is not meant to remain in hiding, or as a theoretical construct. It is meant to be grounded in our daily lives, infusing every aspect of who we are, and how we live. Despite what negative messages we have internalized about our value, there is profound meaning at the heart of each birth. Each of us is essential to this dance of sacred imagination. Each of us is a storehouse of sacred intentions and offerings, just waiting for their opportunity to be lived. There is a well spring of magnificence lying in wait within us. We are sacred purpose.

This Finding and Living your Sacred Purpose course supports you in your efforts to discover, unearth and embody the sacred purpose encoded within you. Please join us on this journey of soul-discovery and self-creation.


My Story of Finding Sacred Purpose

Hi I’m Jeff Brown, and I am thrilled to be facilitating this Course. I too had my own journey of discovering and unearthing my Sacred Purpose. In one way, it was something I was seeking throughout my entire life. But the search reached a pinnacle when I was coasting on the road to worldly success. I had successfully graduated from Law School, and had apprenticed under a top lawyer in the field – Famous Canadian criminal lawyer Eddie Greenspan. Yet right in the midst of beginning my own law practice, I heard a subtler, quieter voice from within calling me away from the noisy world of trial law. It spoke in a language only my heart could understand. From a practical perspective – the calling made no sense. Yet from a deeper perspective – following this calling was the only real choice I could make.

The road to understanding and following this voice did not come easy for me. I found myself in the clutches of profound confusion and disorientation. There was tremendous inner turmoil. There was my male warrior conditioning, my resistance to surrender, my willful nature. And there were many emotional obstacles rising into awareness. Coming from a grueling childhood, I had a pervasive poverty-consciousness. Becoming a lawyer was a solution to that. The idea of abandoning law with no clear direction of what was next – shook my entire foundation. Some would call it madness.

Yet, somehow, in the midst of this inner chaos, I managed to keep an anchor- a thread of connection- to this little knowing inside. Once this knowing was revealed, I couldn’t forget it – even though sometimes I wished I could! The only real choice was to follow it, to believe in it, to give it breath.

It was quite an arduous process, but as I worked through the emotional and psychological material – the path become clearer. After many years of inner work, I saw the next steps to take. It wasn’t that law had been a mistake- it had given me just what I needed at the time- but it was no longer true. What was true was to study psychology- completing an MA at Saybrook Graduate school- and then to write my first book- Soulshaping. It took me many years to write it- partly because I was learning to write, and partly because I made a living running a small business at the same time. I didn’t want to abandon my practical needs in order to create- I wanted to hold both realities together. And so I did.

And then, in 2007, I brought my first edition to the world. And, with the wonderful support of my Facebook soulpod, the energy built around my work until the next steps came clear. Two more books followed, and I then made the decision to fire my agent and develop my own publishing house- Enrealment Press- so that I could both bring my books to the world on my terms and support other congruent authors. Finally, I formed Soulshaping Institute, fulfilling a long-held dream to create a center that focuses on authentic self-creation.

Now my life is richer than I could have ever imagined. Not in a financial sense, but in a heartfelt sense. It is not always easy- sometimes our sacred purpose calls us to work harder than ever before- but I no longer yearn for direction and meaning. I wake up every morning knowing why I am here. There are still distractions and challenges, but there is an energy that meets and overcomes them. The fire of sacred purpose can overcome most anything.

I look forward to sharing with you some of the lessons I have learned along the way – and some tools and techniques that may make your journey a little smoother, and a lot more satisfying. When we identify the paths we are here to walk and the gifts we are here to open, we explode into a world of unlimited possibility. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.


In this course, you will …

  • Identify your unique sacred purpose- callings, gifts, essential lessons.
  • Recognize and overcome obstacles on the path.
  • Develop tools and techniques that support your expansion.
  • Embody your authenticity with courage and openness.
  • Create a Sacred Blueprint for a growthful life.
  • Ground your purpose in real time.

In this course, you will …







  • The definition of Sacred Purpose, Soul-scriptures, and True Path, and how to distinguish them from misidentified, egoic and false paths;
  • The difference between a survivalist perspective on path and identify (defining ourselves by our roles, responsibilities and occupations) and an authentic way of being (defining ourselves from the inside out- based on the who we really are and the why we are really here);
  • Tools and Techniques for excavating and identifying Sacred Purpose in a distracted world: Befriending Confusion, Experiential depth charges, A sense of wander, Adventures in Self-creation, the Inner Treasure Hunt. How to find a sense of direction as to the next steps;
  • Processes of transformation: Resistance, Surrender, Exploration, Dissolution, Re-integration;
  • Indicators of a path longing to be lived: Truth-aches, sacred grumbles, self-distractive patterns, nervous breakthroughs, spiritual emergencies, Ill-health, addictive tendencies.


  • Adaptations, masks and disguises that cover over and distort our authentic self;
  • Unresolved emotional issues, behavioral patterns, fear, shame and self-doubt;
  • Practical challenges, economic issues, unawakened friends and family, incongruent responsibilities and obligations;
  • The spiritual bypass, artificial forgiveness processes, ungrounded new age beliefs, extreme detachment practices, disembodied spiritualities that turn us away from the self and its intrinsic purpose;
  • Conditioned religious beliefs on purpose and meaning. Whose scriptures do we believe- the books written by others, or the holy book within? Who holds the knowledge of our unique purpose?


  • The relationship between our primary emotional issues and our sacred purpose. Distinguishing those personal issues that obstruct our path from those constructive challenges that are fundamental to path and purpose;
  • Identifying the soulpod (individuals of resonance that inspire and reflect our growth) and distinguishing them from those individuals who are not as beneficial to our expansion (Soul mates vs Wound mates, Growth instigators vs. Lite-Dimmers and Border crossers);
  • “Celling the soul”- identifying the primary lessons we are here to learn as part of our embodied transformation. Repressed emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons. The inextricable link between spiritual growth and personal growth, sacred purpose and emotional healing. The wisdom of The School of Heart Knocks if we choose to work through our material with a growthful intentionality.


  • Identifying the gifts that you came in with. The relationship between your callings and your sacred purpose;
  • An invitation to a broader definition of callings and gifts. Discrediting the idea that they must be grandiose and earth-shattering. Inviting a perspective that honors subtle forms of expression as fundamental to path and purpose. “Going where the growth is, however humble it may be”;
  • Archetypes as an aspect of sacred purpose. Identifying the archetypes intrinsic to our being, and those we are called to embody as part of a purposeful life;
  • An exploration of the relationship between our individual sacred purpose- our unique contribution- and our contribution to the whole. No one role is more valuable than another. We need every thread to co-create a masterpiece tapestry.


  • How to land our sacred purpose in real time. Bridging the gap between the practical world and a purposeful world. Getting real in an unreal world;
  • A view of spiritual life that is inclusive (Enrealment) and that views sacred purpose as fundamental to the human experience. A grounded spirituality that does not negate the importance of an inspired and purposeful self;
  • The art form of distinguishing between when it is time to be still and let lessons percolate- integrating them on unseen levels- and when it is time for pointed action on the path. The relationship between realization and integration.


  • Creating a Sacred Blueprint for a purposeful life. Articulating realistic goals and naming the patterns and issues that may arise to block your expression;
  • Tools and Techniques for protecting and expressing your purpose in daily life- Selective Attachment, Healthy boundaries, ‘Soulitude’, Strengthening the healthy ego;
  • An invitation to true-path. Making a leap of fate onto the paths you are here to walk. A discussion of the courage and persistence required to live your sacred purpose in this world.


  • SIX weekly 60-90 minute pre-recorded audio classes taught by Jeff Brown
    Weekly Audio classes will be held on Wednesdays, beginning March 5th. You will receive a weekly email link the evening before the class. For those who cannot listen on the day, it is okay. You will have access to the recordings for 6 weeks thereafter. So, if this day is not ideal for you, you can listen in at a more convenient time. The weekly class can be listened to simply by clicking the link, or it can be easily downloaded to your phone, computer etc.

The six sessions are scheduled as follows:

March 5, 12, 19, 26

April 2, 9

  • ONE 60-minute private Telephone, Zoom or Skype session with Jeff
    In an effort to support your work with the class material, you will have the option of booking a one-on-one session with Jeff, at your convenience. This is included with the course. An opportunity to talk through the material and to address any challenges directly.
  • A printable PDF WORKBOOK emailed to you with optional exercises, assignments and related readings that reflect and deepen the weekly course content.
  • Teacher INTERACTION, including Jeff’s feedback on the final optional assignment (The crafting of a Sacred Purpose Blueprint)

Course begins MARCH 5, 2025

Register for the Course:

1 payment only $249

Related Reading

Read Jeff’s ‘Good Morning America’ article‘ ‘SACRED DYNAMITE’…
Read Jeff’s ‘Good Morning America’ article ‘ TRUTH MOUNTAIN …

About Teacher Jeff Brown

IA former criminal lawyer and psychotherapist, Jeff Brown is the author of 8 popular books: Soulshaping, Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground, Love It Forward, An Uncommon Bond, Spiritual Graffiti, Grounded Spirituality, Hearticulations, Humanifestations. He is also the central subject in the award-winning spiritual documentary, ‘Karmageddon,’ which also features Ram Dass, Seane Corn, Deva Premal and Miten. Jeff has authored a series of inspirations for ABC’S ‘Good Morning America,’ and he has contributed to The Washington Post, Elephant Journal, Positively Positive, The Good Men Project, Unity Magazine, Rebelle Society, and Maria In 2010, he wrote a blog ‘ Apologies to the Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition),’ which quickly went viral and continues to be widely shared today. His dictionary of new terms and short impactful writings became a phenomenon some years ago,and continue to be shared by individuals worldwide. His quotes have been shared in social media by Alanis Morrissette, Fergie, Jason Silva, LeAnn Rimes, Amanda De Cadenet, Chrissy Metz, and many other well-known figures. Most beautifully, they have touched and benefited many souls. This gratifies him deeply. Jeff is also the founder of Enrealment Press and He lives in Canada with his wife, poet Susan Frybort.


susan- trail runningWhen you walk through the door to your calling, you walk into yourself.  Blessedly buffered from the madness of the world, your calling filters out those relationships and energies that undermine your expansion. Infused with vitality and a clarified focus, new pathways of possibility appear where before there were obstacles. Life still has its challenges, but you interface with them differently, coated in an authenticity of purpose that sees through the veils to what really matters. If writing is truly your path, it is a spiritual practice that will help you to make sense of yourself and the world. It will transform you and deepen your relationship to the moment.  And like any true spiritual practice, the quest for perfection is both insignificant and impossible. The gateway to divinity opens when we surrender to the call, whatever form it takes. How it is perceived by others- and that includes those parts of us that are self-critical- is of no consequence. Just write, and the act of creation will bring you home.


Course begins MARCH 5, 2025

Register for the Course:

1 payment only $249

For help signing up or if you have any questions, please write to us at

*By signing up, you are agreeing to be added to our email list. We DO NOT sell the list but only use it to contact you about upcoming courses. You may unsubscribe at any time using the link in the email.



Ticket Type Price Spaces
Finding and Living Your Sacred Purpose (March 2025) $249.00