The Enrealment Method: Where Presence Meets Purpose


May/14/2025 - Jun/18/2025    
8:00 pm EDT - 12:00 am EDT



The Enrealment Method: Where Presence Meets Purpose

A 7-week on-line course that supports your journey to humanize your spiritual life. To truly arrive here in embodied form, and to clarify why you are here. Guidance and inspiration for anyone ready to find and to walk their truest path in a distracting world.

with Soulshaping author

and Institute Founder Jeff Brown

Begins WEDNESDAY, May 14, 2025


If you find yourself reading this, you likely have explored a spectrum of spiritual paths and methods. You may have tasted from a multitude of spiritual practices and offerings: meditation, yoga, chanting, non-duality, mantra, tantra, retreats and seminars, holy books and texts. You may have tried renouncing your earthly attachments, transcending your body, awakening your consciousness, witnessing your monkey mind, mastering the subtle realms, and dissolving your ego altogether. You may have sat before the guru, deconstructed your stories, changed your name, negated your personality, nullified your emotions, worked diligently to flip your negative thoughts into perpetual positivity. You may have strived long and hard for this elusive state called Enlightenment.

And yet, something is still missing. It’s not that all the practices you explored were a waste of time—you have had many profound realizations and transformations. Yet, you are not where you hoped to be at this stage of your life’s journey. There is a nagging sense of incompleteness. You have a collection of tools and techniques that provide refuge and relief in certain moments, but at the core, you feel bifurcated, fragmented, and still searching. You don’t feel as integrated, present, and purposeful as you had hoped. There is your spiritual life, and then there is your human life, and they don’t come together as one seamless experience. Deep inside, you long for wholeness. You long for a way of being that brings it all together—the soulful and the practical, sacred and profane, shadow and light, presence and purpose, trauma and the healed heart. A spirituality that threads through all elements of your reality, and that deepens and elevates every aspect of your life-journey. A spirituality that invites every facet of this precious life to the sacred banquet table. A grounded spirituality.
If any of this describes you, then this course is for you.
We are at a new stage in our individual and collective development. Our species is more challenged than ever before, and spiritual methods that bypass elements of reality are no longer helpful. In fact, some are downright destructive. While others are keeping us from fully living. Years and decades pass by, and we keep striving, while our hearts remain bereft, and our planet is in greater turmoil than ever before. There is simply no time left for spiritualities that float us above the human fray. Detachment is a tool—its not a life. To address our world issues, and to fully live a rich, deep, and multi-faceted life, we urgently need a way of being that alchemizes our humanness with our spirituality. That marries your here with your why. That celebrates your one-of-a-kind gifts, and energizes you to share your offerings. Not a methodology that dissociates you from your humanness, leaving you a refugee from your body, but an approach that honors your uniqueness, your story, your feelings, your woundedness, and your healthy ego. A spirituality that doesn’t entice you to float above your earthly experience, but one that takes you deeper inside of your humanness to find the answers you seek. A spirituality that finds meaning smack-dab in the heart of your selfhood and daily life.

We are in need of a spirituality that celebrates an intuitive and empathic way of relating, that reveres the role that emotional healing plays in transformation and in the fostering of awakening states, that leads us to embrace every aspect of this earthly life as sacred ground, that prepares us to bring our purpose into the world where it is needed, that integrates all that we are and all that this is. In other words, an embodied, inclusive, and grounded spirituality that honors every dimension of your individual journey and human story. The Enrealment Method.
Please join me on this journey home to humanness.
This course is an invitation. To a model that makes no distinction between your humanness and your spirituality. To bridge your presence with your purpose. To convert your truth aches into true-path. To let your spiritual life infuse your practical life. To open to this rich human experience, in all its gory and all its glory. To get real in an unreal world.

This course is an opportunity. To fully engage with the vibrant spectrum of life. To honor your story and your victimhood. To deeply feel your emotions. To walk through life with clear direction and purpose. To unlock your unique gifts and bring them to the world. To clear the emotional debris that blocks your rightful expression. To find your answers in the bones of your being. To return to your authentic self. To become more heartfully human.

This empowering and supportive course meets you right where you are and walks beside you on your journey. If you long for a way of being that integrates all that you are with all that life is, please join me on this adventure in self-creation.


My Story of Developing The Enrealment Method

Hi, I’m Jeff Brown, and I am thrilled to be facilitating this Course. It is the culmination of many decades of intensive self and spiritual exploration. Interestingly, my initiation into a more grounded spirituality began through exploring body-centered psychotherapies. I was blessed to work with Bioenergetics co-founder Alexander Lowen as my therapist. Where before I might have imagined spirituality as an elevated state of consciousness to achieve, with Lowen I recognized that it lived right inside my bones. It wasn’t something that required years of meditation or traditional spiritual practices to access. It was much simpler than that. During our sessions, Lowen would invite me to do one bioenergetic exercise after another, grounding, tantruming, raging, laying backwards over his breathing stool, and crying deeply. After we were done, I felt as though I had access to a unity consciousness field of awareness. I would often leave his office and marvel at the difference in my perception. Before the session, the world and my consciousness were subdivided. There was separate me, separate Lowen, separate green fields, separate sky. During the session, I would open my energetic lines and clear my emotional debris and a deeply connected, seamless, and harmonious field of awareness would rise into view. I still experienced myself as a separate entity, but not rigidly so. I was very much a part of it all, and it a part of me. While at the same time being acutely aware of my own unique and nuanced selfhood. And, interestingly, the more fully I cleared my emotional debris, the more access I had to my purpose in this lifetime. My callings were not floating above me, in some absolute self state—they were living right at the heart of my localized self—in the heart of my aging body temple. Here and Why were inextricably linked. Sacred purpose was an encoded and embodied path. Emotional maturation and spiritual maturation were synonymous. What a revelation.

After Lowen, my discoveries weren’t yet over. I still had more to glean and extract from the realm of consciousness and spirituality. I delved into traditional spiritualities in many forms (Buddhism, Hinduism, popularized teachers like Tolle and Adyashanti). I wanted to understand the ways that the world had been conceiving of spirituality: Was it embodied? Was it inclusive of our daily lives? Was it different from what I had experienced in my body? And what was this thing called “enlightenment?” I read and listened to teaching after teaching, and found very little that resonated with my vivid and lucid experiences with Bioenergetics. These traditional pathways somehow felt like an old story told by people living in an entirely different context. Stories that helped them to bypass overwhelming challenges, but not stories that invited all that we are, and all that this is, to the table.

I wanted to get to the bottom of it. I became like a consciousness-scientist, vigorously exploring and experimenting, trying and testing many different paths from the higher to the lower, from the sacred to the profane. In the heart of this, I became deeply engaged—both within my own personal process and at the heart of my work in the world—with a quest for wholeness. This took me into an even more rigorous critical review of the spiritual paths and models that played a role in addressing, and in many cases, perpetuating our fragmentation. I engaged in a ruthlessly honest—and sometimes uncomfortable—examination of some of the fundamental tenets of spirituality that have guided us for centuries.

Over the course of a decade, my journey took many pivotal twists and turns. There were many sobering wake-up calls and shocking experiences of disillusionment, particularly around so-called teachers and spiritual leaders. I share the candid story of my quest in the book Grounded Spirituality. Yet, even in the detours and diversions, it seemed I was somehow laying down a trail of footprints that would eventually lead me back home. And when I finally arrived back there, I would be a richer, wiser, more integrated human being, with a more clearly defined sacred purpose to share with the world.

If I could summarize my findings during that time, it would be this: Spirituality has been persistently defined as something not physical or worldly, something lacking in material form and substance, something which relates exclusively to an experience of reality that is distinct from our daily experience. Through the eyes of patriarchal spirituality and the ‘new cage’ movement, ‘Spirituality’ has often meant something above and beyond our humanness, particularly the messy and unpleasant aspects of our life experience. It has often meant perpetual positivity. It has meant a pure, or allegedly Absolute Consciousness. It has meant the repression of our anger and grief. It has meant premature, artificial forgiveness. It has meant the dissolution of the ego and the negation of the body. It has meant the disparaging and taming of the mind. It has meant the elevation and ‘Godjectification’ of the master teacher-knower. It has meant the bashing of our personal stories and legitimate victimhood. But it hasn’t meant everything human.

Simply put, our lived-in definition of ‘spiritual’ has often meant the bypassing of the challenges of the human experience. They have been severed, abandoned, and transcended in the name of a ‘higher,’ or ‘stiller,’ or ‘emptier,’ or ‘more evolved’ path. Only in those rare moments when you can ‘transcend’ the human experience, do you get to have a spiritual experience. But not here, not now, in the grit and grime of our mundane practical existence.

My winding and circuitous journey eventually took me into a cuttingly honest and merciless review of my own biases and perspectives, particularly the way that ungrounded spiritual perspectives had taken root within me, impacting the way I approached a spiritual life. Finally, after years of relentless exploration of all things spiritual, something clarified inside. My quest for a spiritual life fell away, and simply became a quest for a more grounded human life. What had begun as a striving for a detached and rarefied model of enlightenment had become a quest for enrealment, a grass-roots—or perhaps better worded ass-roots philosophy—that includes all aspects of the human experience in the equation. The real question was no longer, “What is spirituality?” but What does it mean to be truly human?”

As I began to live this question, a methodology began to organically shape itself. The Enrealment Method is my home-grown and custom-made offering, from my direct lived-in experience. “What does it mean to be truly human?” is a question no one can give us the answer to. No guru, no book, no sacred spiritual text, workshop, seminar, or retreat. It is a question to be lived, from the inside-out… and from the outside-in. Yet, The Enrealment Method provides valuable tools, techniques, exercises, and inquiries to address this question, and support your most vibrant expression of authentic humanness.

In The Enrealment Method, your spirituality is not a hide-away from life’s inherent challenges. It’s not somewhere you go when the mundane tasks of the day are completed. It is not a foray into fantasy and fragmentation. It doesn’t sidestep the uncomfortable, the muddled, the chaotic, the mortal. It’s reality, in and of itself, in all its myriad forms. It’s not about striving to achieve an absolute state of realization or awakening, as though there is some end goal or point of completion. Our consciousness is fluid, transforming and deepening over time, continuously reaching out for more reality to include in its ever-expanding scope. We are forever beings-in-progress, and in-process.

The Enrealment Method is a celebration of our beautiful and bountiful human nature, in all its many colors, textures, facets and forms. It is your invitation to toss aside your spiritual roadmap—and to open to a direct, alive experience of the moment, in its multitude of manifestations. The darkness and the light, the agonies and the joys, the mystical and the mundane, grocery list and unity consciousness, fresh mangoes and stale bread. It is a way of being that threads right through the heart of the everything, moving closer to something that feels like wholeness, and then back into the skirmish, before stepping forward yet again. That’s what it means to be really, truly, fully, authentically, genuinely, comprehensively HUMAN. In other words, you will be invited to experience the world through every available frame of reference. To bridge your humanness with your sacredness, your presence with your purpose, while continually stepping on to your next newest and truest path.

In The Enrealment Method, there is a liberation from narrow, highly-tread spiritual paths from those who came before. This Method prepares and readies you to walk your unique truest of paths. You will be invited to own and inhabit every aspect of the self—even those parts that you are longing to heal or transform—both as a reflection of divinity, and as your blessed lens on reality. It took untold centuries to develop the self, with all its pathways of perception and individuated personal traits and qualities, and it is not to be denied its place at the sacred banquet table. And that surely includes those essential aspects of your selfhood that are frequently shunned by the ungrounded spirituality communities: ego, story, emotions, your uniquely nuanced personality, your beautiful body-temple, and your brilliant mind. It is all welcome in The Enrealment Method.

If our species needs anything right now, it is human beings who are fully here, vibrantly living and sharing their offerings with the world. Hearts on their sleeves, boots on the ground. Sacred activism.

If this method can be summed up in one sentence, it is this: Presence is a whole-being experience. To the extent that you can be here for all of this, you are present for your life. And the more present you are, the more access you have to your purpose. Presence is a portal to purpose. And purpose is a portal to presence. This course invites you to deepen into both.

As you embark on this journey full circle back to your authentic humanness, you may find yourself welling up with an unexpected joy. There is great relief in being liberated from notions of what “spirituality” should be. You can finally stop striving for spiritual purity, based on a preconceived ideal of what an awakened person looks like. You can finally breathe a sigh of relief and embrace your human messiness, in all its scars, flaws, mistakes, and imperfections. All things human are welcome in The Enrealment Method.

When we abandon our spiritual roadmaps, we become intimate with our direct human experience, in all its gory and all its glory, and in its perfect imperfection. It is an exhilarating journey full of surprises. You aren’t quite sure where you may meander next, and that’s what makes it so invigorating. It’s alive!

I look forward to sharing this very human approach to spirituality with you—and providing some guidance, direction, tools and techniques that will make your journey a little truer, and a lot more gratifying. There is a path within you with your name on it. I believe that this method will both clarify your path and prepare you to fully walk it. When we identify the paths we are here to walk and the gifts we are here to open, we explode into a world of unlimited vitality. Living authentically is the most gratifying adventure of all.

I look forward to sharing The Enrealment Method with you.


In this course, you will …

  • Humanize your Spiritual Life
  • Come Home to your Authentic Self
  • Convert your Truth-Aches into True-path
  • Find renewed purpose in everyday existence
  • Unleash your Unique Gifts in the World
  • Embody and Enreal your Consciousness

In this course, you will …

The Enrealment Method:
Where Presence Meets Purpose

7 weekly talks and over 40 pages of exercises,
assignments and supportive writings

BEGINS MAY 14, 2025


  • SEVEN weekly 45-60 minute pre-recorded audio classes taught by Jeff Brown
    Weekly Audio classes will be held on Wednesday, beginning MAY 14TH You will receive a weekly email link on the morning of the class. For those who cannot listen on the Wednesday, you will have access to the recordings for 6 weeks thereafter. So, if this day is not ideal for you, no worries. You can listen in at a more convenient time, from anywhere in the world. The weekly class can be listened to simply by clicking the link, or it can be easily downloaded to your phone, computer etc.

The seven sessions are scheduled as follows:

MAY 14, 21, 28

JUNE 4, 11, 18

  • A printable PDF WORKBOOK will be emailed to you, including exercises, assignments, and related readings that reflect and deepen the weekly course content.
  • A free e-book of Jeff’s book, Grounded Spirituality, will be sent to you when the course begins.
  • In an effort to support your work with the class material, you will have the option of booking a one-on-one session with Jeff, at your convenience. This is included with the course. An opportunity to talk through the material and to address any challenges directly.
  • Teacher INTERACTION, including Jeff’s feedback on the final optional assignment (The crafting of an Enrealed Way of Being)

Course begins MAY 14, 2025

Register for the Course:

1 payment only $249

About Teacher Jeff Brown

IA former criminal lawyer and psychotherapist, Jeff Brown is the author of 7 popular books: Soulshaping, Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground, Love It Forward, An Uncommon Bond, Spiritual Graffiti, Grounded Spirituality, and Hearticulations. He is also the producer and primary journeyer in the award-winning spiritual documentary, ‘Karmageddon,’ which also stars Ram Dass, Seane Corn, Deva Premal and Miten. After writing a series of inspirations for ABC’S ‘Good Morning America’, and appearing on Fox and hundreds of radio shows, Brown wrote the viral blog ‘Apologies to the Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition)’, catapulting him to a greater degree of notoriety, particularly in social media. Jeff’s new terms and short writings became a phenomenon some years ago, and continue to be shared by seekers and growers worldwide. His quotes have been shared in social media by Alanis Morrissette, Fergie, Jason Silva, LeAnn Rimes, Chrissy Metz, and many other well-known figures. Most beautifully, they have touched and benefited millions of souls. This gratifies him deeply. Jeff is also the founder of Soulshaping Institute and Enrealment Press. He lives in Canada with his wife, poet Susan Frybort.


susan- trail runningLiving a more enrealed life is like being loosely tethered to the ground. You aren’t fixed, but you are solid. And from that solidity, you can handle whatever comes. Not just life’s challenges and delights, but life’s uneventful moments, too. Moments that were once dismissed as mundane or ordinary take on a whole new depth and dimension as you see the connection between all things and allow every thread of your existence to breathe the same air. You may still prefer certain threads, but none are denied their place in the sacred tapestry. Where you once separated out the threads, you are now inclined to live them as one full and rich experience. An enrealed life. Living in every direction while rooted in one’s evolving humanness.


Course begins MAY 14TH 2025

Register for the Course:

1 payment only $249

For help signing up or if you have any questions, please write to us at

*By signing up, you are agreeing to be added to our email list. We DO NOT sell the list but only use it to contact you about upcoming courses. You may unsubscribe at any time using the link in the email.



Ticket Type Price Spaces
The Enrealment Method: Where Presence Meets Purpose (May 2025) $249.00