At Soulshaping Institute, it is our intention…
To inspire transformation that is authentic, heartfelt, depthful and sustainable;
To support students in their efforts to actualize a path and purpose that inspires them and that reflects their gifts and callings. To help convert their truth-aches into true-path;
To invite a shedding of the adaptations, masks and disguises that shroud our original face;
To remind others of their inherent magnificence, often forgotten in a distracted world;
To foster an environment that transforms internalized shame into self-belief. To invite genuine self-revealing in an environment of kindness, acceptance and compassion;
To hold the space for the shadow and facilitate its transformation into the light at its source;
To support the shift from survivalism to authenticity as a way of being;
To de-stigmatize and embrace confusion on the search for true-path, and to foster an environment that celebrates its wisdom;
To develop a paradigm of healthy functioning that serves students going forward. To provide course offerings that support a balanced lifestyle in all aspects: spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, physically, inter-relationally, and more;
To ignite a revolution of the spirit that is rooted in sacred purpose and a life of meaning. To serve as a centerpoint where Sacred meets Purpose;
To provide nourishment for those who are spiritually famished;
To support the bridging of the gender-ation gap. To foster the healing of our past relationship wounds;
To usher in a new paradigm of soul-sourced relationships, one where the divine feminine and sacred masculine are honored. To construct the preparatory tools necessary to navigate soul-based relationship terrain;
To develop courses that are reflective of an embodied, heartfelt, grounded, and inclusive spirituality. To create a core-iculum that enables you to assess your own progress- based on what is authentic for you, as you are the sole interpreter of your soul-scriptures and intrinsic purpose;
To create an atmosphere that celebrates our connectiveness and our uniqueness, one where the oceans of essence meet the individual droplet of meaning;
To invite an adventurous way of being with respect to exploring pathways of possibility. To re-ignite curiosity, exploration, fascination and wonder in students of all ages;
To consciously co-create a community of like-spirited individuals who support each other’s expansion while honoring each other’s unique path;
To help others to identify and clear the obstructions which impede healing and growth;
To develop and share tools for awakening with those who may benefit; to open up a forum for Soulshapers to share their gifts with others;
To do our little bit to enhearten this armored world;
To love our humanity forward.